What is a Constellation?

Life isn’t happening to you; it is flowing through you.
A constellation makes the unconscious conscious.  It shows us where we have hidden systemic entanglements that are creating blockages, symptoms, or issues in our lives – places where the energy doesn’t flow.  We experience these entanglements as places that we do not feel are working in our lives.  Any place that we do not feel is working is a place we can seek to reveal unconscious dynamics or stagnations at work, and then harmonize the underlying systemic blockages to restore greater flow.
Constellations were brought to modern times by Bert Hellinger, who observed that there are unconscious forces that move us, and that these forces follow underlying laws that govern all living systems.  Today we call these the Forces of Love.  When these forces get out of balance, it creates stagnations or blockages in our lives.  What causes these forces to get out of balance is ancestral trauma – experiences that our ancestors had that were too big to digest fully, so the pain got stuck, and is then passed down from generation to generation for the sole purpose of being seen so it could be digested, completed, and restored to flow.
Constellations are spiritual explorations that seek to restore to flow that which is not flowing, for the sacred purpose of allowing the entire system to carry more light.  It is our purpose in life to carry more light, and one way to do so is to remove systemic blockages that prevent the flow of life.

The Forces of Love that Bert Hellinger discovered are:


  • Belonging – everyone and everything has the right to belong.  The good, the bad, the right, the wrong…everyone.  When we exclude anyone, for any reason, it violates this force.
    • Abortions or miscarriages, early or untimely deaths
    • People of other religions
  • Hierarchy – everyone and everything has their unique place in the system.  Different places come with different rights and responsibilities.
    • For example, our parents came first, so they are bigger than us in the system.  When we judge our parents in any capacity, we are coming from a place of being bigger than them.  This is common, but out of order.
  • Giving and receiving – life flows best when there is a balance in giving and receiving.  And, different roles give and receive differently.
    • Parents give, and children receive.
    • In a relationship of peers, a balance is best…and we can’t give more than the other can receive.
  • Saying YES to everyone and everything exactly as it is – the umbrella for them all.
    • Any place we hold a no, is a place we hold contraction and stagnation.
We can see where we are out of alignment with life in the places we recognize within ourselves as being in violation of these laws.


“Symptoms” are an indication of inhibited energy flow.
We respect the symptom, the pain, the friction because it identifies where we are out of balance, where energy isn’t flowing.
When the imbalance is acknowledged, honored, and harmonized, the stagnation is restored to flow and can carry more light.
This may or may not change anything on the outside, but it WILL change how we experience the events in our lives.  We contract less around an experience, and open and expand more.  And it’s the contraction that hurts, not the actual event.
As 14th Century mystic Rumi so famously said about love, “Your task is not to seek for love,  but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself you have built against it.”
Constellations remove barriers to love, to light.
Everyone still has an individual destiny that is theirs alone.  It cannot be changed through a constellation.  But it can be agreed to, said YES to, so that we do not create additional stagnations and contractions and barriers.  And then we can align to what is essential for us and life flows.  Saying YES to our lives exactly as they are allows energy to flow.
Life isn’t happening to you; life is flowing through you.  The true goal of a constellation is to remove barriers to flow, and grow in our ability to say “Yes to my life exactly as it was and exactly as it is.”  This YES opens the resonance for the new to manifest.  When we embody the qualities we want to experience, we bring those qualities with us into the world.


The etymology of the word ‘heal’ is to ‘restore wholeness.’  Constellations seek to restore to flow, to wholeness, that which is held in stagnation.
And.  All healing is self-healing.  Energy follows our intentions.  Setting an intention, being clear about what you want to explore, and what an ideal outcome would be for you, opens the gates for self-healing.  It directs the energy.
99% of correctly solving a problem is to understand what the problem actually is.
All healing is spiritual healing.  “There is a loving solution to every problem.”  A solution that allows more light to flow through your system.
The experience of symptoms, of friction, is a call to grow through the pain into a version of yourself that carries more light.
It is our purpose in life to carry more light.  One way to do so is to release that which is held in stagnation, where light doesn’t flow.

How it will work

Pre-Meeting – You and I will have a short pre-meeting to review the topic you’d like to explore and review relevant family dynamics.
Centering and Grounding – every gathering will begin with a group centering and grounding, to bring resonance to our group and intentions.
Constellation – The constellation will begin.  You will share your personal intention, topic you would like to explore, and what you would consider to be a good outcome, with the group.  We may also explore the topic a bit more, with the goal of identifying the key elements to explore in the constellation.
Once we’ve identified the beginning energies to explore, we will identify representatives to represent that which is essential to be seen in support of your intentions and goals.  We’ll observe how the energies interact with each other, looking for disharmonizations in the Forces of Love.  I’ll ask you to offer to various representatives what are called Healing Statements, and then we’ll observe how the statement shifts and moves the energy.
We’ll conclude when the next right step is revealed, and the energy movements are complete.
Representative: $25
Seeker: $200
No experience is necessary, simply an open and curious spirit.
To inquire about open Seeker opportunities, please reach out using the contact form below.

Contact Me

Please reach out for more information, to schedule a session, or to request a free 15-minute chat about any of these offerings.


