Hi, I’m Norma!
I’m here to explore the limits of how much light our physical bodies can carry, how much healing we can create in our own lives and in our systems, and to share tools for embodying and channeling the evolutionary, expansionary, Energy of Life.
To explore the depths and heights of our true human power.
(Which is so different from what we’ve been taught.)
In nature, our first home.
Where the individual human meets the collective unconscious meets the living field meets the divine, I provide tools to carry more light and embody more wholeness.
I have been practicing Family Constellations for years and am a certified Family Constellation facilitator. I’m also a Reiki Master and I have guided over 500 people through my own forest meditation practices called ReWilding the Soul and the Theta Wholeness Process.
All of these experiences and the additional trainings and tools below have informed the Systemic and Family Constellation and Energy Coaching offering that I feel so blessed to offer today.
- Systemic and Family Constellation Facilitation (Amerly Centeno)
- Reiki Level 1, 2, Master (Alyssa Malehorn)
- Transformational Facilitation Coach Training (Vanessa Stone)
- Scribing Essentials (Presencing Institue)
- Somatic Attachment Theory (Embody Lab)
- Systemic and Family Constellation Practitioner (Stephanie Richmond)
- Systemic Constellations and Serious Illness Training (Stephan Hausner)
- Theta Wholeness Process (Norma Van Horn + nature)
- ReWilding the Soul in Nature guide since 2017
As John the Evangelizer said, “Your truth is holy. Your deepest truth is the holiest thing about you.”
Join me in the exploration of a lifetime.
In the service of life, sending you blessings and blue skies!
Contact Me
Yes I said yes I will yes.