Systemic & Family Constellations
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
– C.G. Jung


What Are Systemic & Family Constellations?


We are energetic beings, comprised of energy.

There are many layers of energy both within the body and outside the body: mental energy, physical energy, spiritual energy, nature/plants/animals/oxygen/water/elemental energy, planetary energy, universal/cosmic energy, quantum energy – to name a few.  And, there is also the energy of the systems of which we are a part, called systemic energy.

We are moved and influenced by these unseen forces of energy.  In the words of Michael Divine “An invisible concept of justice is at work.” 

Energy is the language of life.  Energy is always flowing, moving, adapting, responding to the energy all around – and we are largely unaware of it. 

Bert Hellinger observed that it was possible to bring to light that which we are carrying unconsciously for our family system, and to restore order to a disordered system.   In discovering unconscious energetic patterns of entanglements, secrets, imbalances, and unreconciled patterns, we can bring them into harmony and alignment, and restore the full and proper flow of energy.  We can heal the past, and with it, free our future.  

This therapeutic process is called Family Constellation.  New Family Constellation practice has scientific alignment with cellular biology, neuroscience, epigenetics, developmental psychology, quantum physics, phenomenology, psychotherapy, and morphogenic fields.

Contact Me

Please reach out for more information, to schedule a session, or to request a free 15-minute chat about any of these offerings.


